Avancargo provides technological solutions aimed at optimizing every process in land transportation logistics by connecting and empowering the network of shippers, logistics operators, and transporters.
Driver App is a mobile application used by transporters working in partnership with Avancargo. This app allows users to easily access their assigned loads for transport, as well as the routes to be followed. Additionally, it features live tracking of the device as soon as the trip begins.
One of the challenges was to develop an integration between Avancargo's existing internal system and the app, simplifying certain steps and streamlining its functionality.
The app allows a driver registered with one of the companies partnered with Avancargo to create a profile. Once logged in, they can access all information related to cargo transportation. They will be able to see the trips assigned to them, along with their dates. By accessing the trip details, they can view the suggested route and other relevant information.
Once the trip has begun, the app features a tracking system that shows the truck's position throughout the journey. It also allows the driver to update the status of the trip and, if needed, create alerts during the journey. Additionally, the driver can upload relevant documentation as required.
The results have been positive. Drivers began using the app, and gradually, updates with improvements and adaptations for other countries are being implemented, including the release of an iOS version, as the first version was developed for Android.